
2025 中国供热展|空气能|锅炉|地暖|智慧供热解决方案

2025 中国供热展

ISH China & CIHE 2025



Feb. 20th-22nd,2025



China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi Hall)

展会规模|Exhibition Scale

Global exhibitors / 1,100  

Display Area / 106,000 square meters

professional visitor / 75,156

Audience source countries and regions / 42

Industry and mass media / 100+

Industry activity / 100+

展会背景|Exhibition Background

ISH品牌的母展享誉全球暖通空调行业。作为品牌中全球网络的 一 员 ,ISH China & CIHE-中国国际供热通风空调、卫浴及舒适家居系统展览会(简称:中国供热展)自1996年发展至今,已成为亚洲暖通全产业链年度盛会和全球品牌优选的新品首发  平台。2025年展会将把握行业最新趋势,集中通过“供热解决方案”、“能源解决方案”、“水路解决方案”、“舒适家居解决方案”、“智能与安装技术”五大板块,展示全链路系统化综合解决方案,探索未来技术趋势与市场机遇,推动行业持续发展。

The parent show of the ISH brand is renowned in the global HVAC industry. As a member of the global network of the brand, ISH China & CIHE-China International Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Bathroom and Comfortable Home System Exhibition has been developed since 1996, and has become an annual event of the whole HVAC industry chain in Asia and a preferred new product launch platform for global brands. In 2025, the exhibition will grasp the latest trends in the industry, focusing on the five sections of "heating solutions", "energy solutions", "water solutions", "comfortable home solutions", "intelligent and installation technology", to show the full link systematic and comprehensive solutions, explore future technology trends and market opportunities, and promote the sustainable development of the industry.



供热解决方案|Heating Solutions

锅炉、热泵、壁挂炉、空调、热水器、电暖器、地暖、散热器、风机盘管、 智慧供热、工业供热

( Boiler, heat pump, wall mounted furnace, air conditioning, water heater, electric heater, floor heating, radiator, fan coil, intelligent heating, industrial heating)

能源解决方案|Energy Solution

综合能源管理、可再生能源、储能储热、氢能、太阳能、 生物质能、仪表与计量

(Integrated energy management, renewable energy, heat storage, hydrogen energy, solar energy, biomass energy, instrumentation and metering)

水路解决方案|Water Solutions


(Pumps, pipes, pipes and fittings, valves, water supply and drainage equipment)

舒适家居解决方案|Comfortable home solutions


(Five constant system, multi-supply system, fresh air, water purification, air purification)

智能与安装技术|Intelligence and installation technology

智慧家庭、传感器与控制器、软件与数字化、安装工具与紧固件、 维修与检测

(Smart home, sensors and controllers, software and digitization, installation tools and fasteners, maintenance and inspection)

展品范围|Exhibition Categories


Heat pump host, multi-line, radiation air conditioning, carbon dioxide heat pump, air source heat pump, water source heat pump, ground source heat pump, industrial heat source heat pump, pool machine, heat pump dryer, heat pump hot water machine, heat pump fan, special heat pump, heat pump steam engine, household heat pump, commercial heat pump, industrial heat pump, compressor, heat exchanger, restrictor, heat absorber, fan, controller, evaporator, Condenser, expansion valve, etc.



中国国际供热通风空调、锅炉及舒适家居系统展览会              2026北京供热展览会
展位申请:张学记 13910985536                                             邮  箱:85093352@qq.com